River Pearl PLUS

New jury member

The River Pearls jury has gained another celebrity member in FDP National Councillor Jacqueline de Quattro.

Our jury, which each year selects watercourses for nomination as a “River Pearl PLUS”, is growing, with FDP National Councillor Jacqueline de Quattro joining this prestigious body.

Jacqueline de Quattro has been a National Councillor since 2019 and was a member of the Vaud Council of State from 2007 to 2019. De Quattro was also president of the FDP’s national women’s section from 2008 to 2010.

Political career (summary)

  • 2001–2002: Member of the Grand Council of Vaud canton
  • 2007–2019: Councillor of State of Vaud canton (responsible for security and the environment)
  • From 2019: National Councillor, member of the security policy and immunity committee

We are delighted that Jacqueline de Quattro shares our concern for the last untouched watercourses in Switzerland and will be assisting us in the 2025 nomination process.

Our new jury from 2025:

  • Christa Rigozzi, presenter
  • PD Dr Christopher Robinson, Head of the Watercourse Ecology Research Group, Eawag / ETH
  • Joos Sutter, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Coop Switzerland
  • Julia KĂźng, former Co-President of the Young Greens
  • Julien Perrot, founder and editor of ‘La Salamandre’
  • Roger de Weck / publicist
  • Sandro Viletta, ski racer
  • Valentin Stocker, Swiss footballer
  • Jacqueline de Quattro, FDP National Councillor